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On our Road to Emmaus

This is the second Easter we will be celebrating in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sacred mysteries during the holiest days of the year are taking place behind closed doors. Many are saddened and disappointed at this. In my 'Talking Point' for The Times of Malta (1.IV.2021), I look at why the narrative of the Road to Emmaus is so moving as we seek to navigate the road ahead:

"If, as Christians, we cannot convince ourselves that the Word and the sacraments are essential to our life of faith, then how can we ever hope to evangelise this message and bring it to others?...

This is the Church we currently have before us. It has been discouraged and humiliated by several scandals. It is disoriented as it seeks to speak and evangelise in a society that is becoming more indifferent to what it has to say. It is dismayed by aggressive secularism, which points out that it has no place beyond the church precincts.

We do not address these issues by excessive bureaucratisation and accommodation. Nor do we do so by simply becoming yet another NGO or social work agency. As Easter People, we must look to Christ and to how he acted."

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website by clicking here.

Photo by Jonathan Borg in The Times of Malta: "Passion of Christ: A technically shot crucifix in a Żebbuġ square cuts a sombre figure this year, as all processions have been cancelled because of the pandemic."

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