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Safeguarding the Common Good

In The Sunday Times of Malta (28.XI.2021), I reviewed Dr Alan Xuereb's "Riflessjonijiet fuq il-Gid Komuni" which reflects on the principle of the common good, with particular reference to the Maltese context:

"Xuereb identifies some of these values. For example, the value of life can be discerned in legislation in favour of the environment, a national health system, the protection of life, and the prohibition of the death penalty.

The value we attribute to knowledge can be seen in our educational system, literacy programmes, and critical thinking. The value of friendship is reflected in granting rights to migrants and minorities and enacting laws that encourage mediation and voluntary work.

Reason, and its value in society, can be discerned through the importance we attribute to the impartiality, efficiency and effectiveness of state institutions such as the judiciary, the police and the executive. These elements should underpin any democratic society."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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