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The Character of the State

In The Times of Malta (14.VIII.2021), I look at why we also need to shift the discussion from the actions of the state to the character of the state:

"Firstly, we expect the state to have the common good at heart. Thus, the “economy vs health” and “personal rights vs health” debate becomes a false dichotomy unless a balance is struck to safeguard the good of all.

Secondly, we must keep on calling out this uncomfortable liaison between monied interests and political parties. Though ostensibly separate and independent, Maltese state institutions have often been subject to the whims of political parties, whether in government or in opposition. As a result, some aspects of policymaking remain worryingly partisan.

What hope is there for the country when, in the words of a leading lobbyist, the requests for money by political parties’ verges on the harassment, to the point of being “embarrassing”. This is a bold statement coming from a lobby group that did not feel embarrassed to ruin and uglify large swathes of our country."

The full piece may be read on the Times of Malta website.

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