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The last Queen of Malta

In my piece for The Times (10.IX.2022), I pay tribute to Her Majesty, the late Queen Elizabeth II. She served as Queen of Malta between 1964 and 1974:

"She embodied those values which many admire – duty, loyalty, commitment, tradition and Christian-inspired leadership. Though admired, such values are difficult to live up to; therefore, many choose to abandon them or misconstrue them as an anachronism. In essence, people do not just mourn her but everything she stood for during her long life...

In death, many are saddened at her passing and the expiration of an incredible era over which she reigned with dignity, grace and conviction. The late Sir Roger Scruton had remarked that “the constitutional monarchy is the light above politics, which shines down on the human bustle from a calmer and more exalted sphere.”

This, perhaps, is a fitting epitaph to the life of Her Majesty, the late Queen Elizabeth II."

The full piece may on The Times of Malta website by clicking here.

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