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The spring that never was

This year marks the tenth anniversary from the start of the 'Arab Spring'. In my piece for The Times of Malta (22.I.2021), I argue that we need to look afresh at these events:

"Revolutions tend to be depicted as brave and heroic affairs. We instantly think of Eugène Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People with the fearless personification of liberty holding the colours of the French Revolution in one hand. However, we overlook the bayoneted musket in the other hand; not to mention the dying and the dead beneath her feet.

Beyond the artistic realm, revolutions tend to be devoid of romanticism. Indeed, in addition to the blood and loss of life, they are cynical affairs – sordid and rotten to the core. Moreover, revolutions use “the people” as a smokescreen to mask the aspirations of commercial, middle class and factional interests."

The full piece may be read on the Times of Malta website or by clicking here.

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