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The storming of the Capitol

In normal circumstances, I would be arguing for a more nuanced view of the Trump presidency. The end of an administration seems like the perfect time for sobering analysis of what worked and what did not. Yet, these are not normal circumstances. It is not typical for the legislature of the leading democracy to be stormed by protestors during critical proceedings concerning the transfer of power.

In my Talking Point for The Times of Malta (11.I.2021) I look at what the storming of the Capitol may mean for democracy:

"Despite its imperfections and inconsistencies, the US remains a model to follow for many pro-democracy activists. It remains a land of opportunity. Globalisation had merely internationalised the ‘American Dream’ and what the US stands for.

In Beijing, Havana, Caracas, Tehran, Harare and Pyongyang, autocratic regimes and their acolytes rub their hands in glee as the most important democracy briefly hesitates in the fulfilment of democratic procedure."

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