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The Vatican's Contemplative

On the 29 June 2021, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his 70th year of priesthood. I couldn't let this anniversary go by without penning a tribute to his priestly ministry. In my piece for The Times of Malta (10.VII.2021), I look at this important aspect which is central to his life and work:

"He is often accused of being uncompromising – God’s Rottweiler – yet, he also had first-hand experience of what happens when the Church tries to compromise with the spirit of the age. Conversely, a Church that is ready to accommodate the spirit of the age to retain its position and privileges will lose itself sooner or later.

He understood early on that mere “institutional guarantees are of no use unless the people are there to sustain them with their own inner conviction”. In this regard, truth is neither negotiable nor redefinable according to the latest fad or fashion.

His search for truth is rooted in the reality of Christ."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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